Law Bulletin was created to develop scientific contacts between law professionals in both Ukraine and other countries. Founded in April 2015.

Co-founders: Main Territorial Administration of Justice in Kherson Oblast, Association of Notaries of Kherson Oblast, Odessa State University of Internal Affairs.

ISSN: 2414-4207 (Print) 2664-6358 (Online)

The scientific journal "Law Bulletin" publishes the results of scientific researches of scientists of higher educational establishments and scientific institutions of Ukraine, foreign scientists, adjuncts, graduate students, doctoral students, as well as citizens conducting scientific researches in the order of personal initiative.

Materials published in the scientific journal "Law Bulletin" belong to the fields of D - Business, Administration and Law and K - Security and Defense and by the following headings:

- general theoretical problems of the state and law;

- issues of civil, commercial and labor law;

- administrative law and administrative activity;

- problems of criminal law and criminology;

- criminal proceedings and forensic science; operative-search activity;

- legal psychology and legal education;

- security sector of the state.

Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1915 as of 30.05.2024.

"Law Bulletin" is included in category "B" of the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in specialties D8 – Law, D9 – International Law, K9 – Law Enforcement Activities in the fields of business, administration and law and security on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 627 of 14.05.2020 and Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1166 of 23.23.2023.

The journal is included in Index Copernicus International (Poland) international scientometric database.

The journal publishes the results of scientific researches of scientists of higher educational establishments and scientific institutions of Ukraine, foreign scientists, adjuncts, graduate students, doctoral students, as well as citizens conducting scientific researches in the order of personal initiative.

The editorial board includes leading scientists from Ukraine and foreign countries.

VI National Library of Ukraine Vernadsky accepted on repository the numbers of the scientific edition "Law Bulletin", which are presented on the portal in the information resource "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine".

"Law bulletin" scientific journal is registered in the Google Scholar Scientific Base.

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